Making a complaint

At Dentique Dental Practice, we have a clear complaints procedure. If you are not happy with the service provided by our practice or a member of our team, we welcome the opportunity to discuss your concerns. However, if you wish to make a formal complaint, we respect your right to do so.

We believe complaints should be dealt with to the satisfaction of the complainant as quickly and effectively as possible and aim to handle all complaints in a fair and transparent manner.


Complaints Process

We welcome correspondence by email or post for the attention of the Practice Manager. You are also welcome to call the practice on 0116 270 0550 to discuss your concern with the Practice Manager

Complaints will be acknowledged in writing within three working days of receipt and we aim to respond to them within ten working days. In cases where this is not possible, we will contact the complainant regularly (at least every 10 working days) to provide an update of the situation until the complaint is resolved.

Our patients can raise a concern about our services without prejudice. We respect your right to initiate the complaints procedure and we will work with you to ensure you receive a fully investigated process and outcome.

This practice has implemented a standard procedure for dealing with complaints. All staff receive full training on this as part of their induction programme.

Complaints and their solutions will be monitored and reviewed. Any necessary action or changes required to prevent recurrence should be dealt with by means of the corrective action procedure.

We believe complaints are an opportunity to learn and improve. To raise the quality of service the practice provides.

If you would like a full copy of our complaints policy, please contact the practice for further assistance.
